I want to call the reader’s attention to three statements coming from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, a protestant denomination of some 2.8 million people, including myself.
The first two are from ELCA presiding Bishop Eaton.
Presiding Bishop Eaton Issues Pastoral Message on Executive Orders
Presiding Bishop Eaton Issues Statement on Immigration Executive Orders
The following is from the bishops of ELCA Region 9, which includes the Caribbean Synod, the Florida-Bahamas Synod, the North Carolina Synod, the South Carolina Synod, the Southeastern Synod (which covers Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and Tennessee), and the Virginia Synod.
You should wisen up, just like the bishops of the American catholic church have done. You need to bow and kow-tau to the emperor. Lying is totally OK. In Feb of 2021 I was personally told by the bishop of the Madison WI diocese that “no one can know who won the 2020 election”.
The American Conference of Catholic Bishops have not been friendly to Trump executive orders.